A cohort report breaks a population into related risk groups for analysis over a defined timespan.
In most cases, a cohort report will look at year-over-year risk changes for
healthy group, tipping point group, and at-risk group. Clovi calculates a cohort
report by looking at participants in the starting year cohort (e.g. healthy group),
and then calculates how the risk for the same participants changes in the final year. You can learn more here:
For each biomarker, we automatically generate a whole population cohort report. You
can select/deselect a cohort, and see the change in real-time. Use the sample questions
as a guide to generate the cohort chart you're looking for.
In general, effective interventions will reflect in the cohort report as follows:
* At-risk group moves to tipping-point or healthy group.
* Tipping-point group moves to healthy group.
* Healthy group remains healthy.
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