Programs & Events
Everything related to managing events and programs
- When does a reminder email go out?
- What does the email reminder contain?
- When does a participant "Complete Registration"?
- When is a confirmation email sent?
- When is a reminder email sent out?
- How do I delete an event?
- How do I add a custom employee ID or health plan ID field?
- How do I add an informed consent for flu vaccine during registration?
- How do I add more appointment spots to an existing time?
- Do you support eligibility requirements?
- How do I display flu information in Report?
- What is the template for importing events from Excel?
- How do I copy an event?
- How do I change the demographic questions?
- What is the Event Satisfaction Survey?
- Can I customize the confirmation email?
- How do I upload eligibility file for an event?
- How do I upload existing appointments?
- What is the file format for uploading eligibility file?
- What is the file format for uploading historical data?
- How do I export appointments from an event to an excel file?
- How do I set up my events to have specific time slots?
- How do I sync after being in Offline mode?
- How do I take an event offline?
- How do I share Appointment List with my clients?
- How do I add an offline event to my home screen on iPad?
- What is a Program?
- How do I add a Participant outside an Event?
- How do I remove a Participant from an Event?
- How do I find a Participant?